06:00 PM
Rosetown Redwings
Milden Mintos
06:45 PM
Prairie Predators
Outlook Ice Hawks
06:45 PM
Outlook Black
06:00 PM
Outlook Ice Hawks
Hanley Hawks
06:00 PM
Outlook White
Davidson White
07:00 PM
Davidson Red
Prairie Predators
11:00 AM
Davidson Red
Central Butte Yellow
11:15 AM
Outlook Black
12:30 PM
Hanley Hawks
Central Butte Black
05:30 PM
Central Butte Flyers
Davidson White


FVHL Constitution


  1. Name

The organization shall be known as the Fertile Valley Minor Hockey League, hereinafter referred to as the league.


  1. Objects

The object of the league shall be to control, improve and foster amateur hockey in the area which it embraces, within the framework of the Saskatchewan Amateur Hockey Association, hereinafter referred to as the SAHA.


  1. Members

Hockey Clubs willing to comply with and abide by the rules and regulations of the league, may be admitted to membership upon application accompanied by a franchise fee of $25.00, through the secretary-treasurer to the executive committee, prior to the annual meeting.  There shall be one year probationary period.  Each age group to be voted on individually.


  1. League officers

The league officers shall consist of the president, the vice-president and the secretary-treasurer, the statistician and the commissioner.


  1. Annual Meeting

The annual meeting shall be held each year during the month of October at a place and time designated be the president, of which each member club shall receive due notice.


That a spring meeting be held each year during the first two weeks of April at a place and time designated by the president, of which each member club shall receive due notice.


Only towns hold a franchise in the league shall be allowed voting privileges at the annual meetings, with two votes per franchise.


That all towns wishing to have teams participating in the league shall be present at the fall annual meeting.  New clubs are to admitted by a majority vote of the league.


All towns wishing a leave of absence must request in at each annual fall meeting.


The following shall be dealt with at the annual meeting:

  1. The books shall be turned over to one member club on a rotating basis as agreed to the member clubs.


  1. Duties and powers of the League officers
    1. To conduct the business of the league in its entirety between annual meetings and have complete control of hockey activities within its membership.
    2. To re-admit or re-instate, by majority vote, and club, coach, manager or player under suspension, upon application from such club or person.
    3. To act as sole custodian of all league trophies, to be the sole judge as to where such trophies shall be stored and maintained, accept of refuse any new trophies and purchase any new trophies for league competition as deemed advisable. Trophies are the responsibility of the town winning such trophies until the next playoffs.
    4. To deal with business of a minor nature between meetings.
    5. To suspend or expel any club, coach, manager or player refusing to accept and obey the rulings of the league officers, for proved foul play or for unfair and unsportsmanlike conduct, individually or collectively, at a place where hockey is being played or any meeting.
    6. To set league playoff schedule as set up in the rules and regulations.
    7. To deal with and rule on all protests.
  2. Protests
    1. The league officers shall be the sole judges as to whether a protest will be entertained or not. They shall have the right to decide the issue or they may appoint a committee made up of one representative of each member club.
    2. Protests and all evidence in support thereof must be in duplicate and signed by the coach and manager of the protesting club and received by the league president within 48 hours of the advertised time of the game for a deposit of $50.00 which sum shall be forfeited to the league is the protest is disallowed. The deposit must be in the form of a certified cheque or money order.
    3. The league president shall deliver a copy of the protest to the protested team without delay and the protested team shall have 24 hours from receipt of the protest material to file a defence and evidence pertaining thereto. The defence shall be accompanied by a depot of $50.00 which shall be forfeited to the league should the protest be upheld.  The deposit must be made in the form of a certified cheque or money order.
    4. The decision of the league officers or a duly appointed protest committee shall be final and binding on all parties.
    5. Protests on a point of rules as set out in the constitution, rules and regulations will be entertained and not a referees decision.
  3. Duties and powers of the President
    1. The president shall have the right to represent any or all of the executive committee on any occasion and shall be responsible to his executive for the same. In the absence of the president, or at his request, the vice-president shall have the full powers of the president in every respect.
    2. To call meeting whenever deemed necessary or by the request of any three member franchise.
    3. To give a full report to the SAHA executive Director regarding any suspensions assessed by the league officers on any club, coach, manager or players.
  4. Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer
    1. To record the minutes of all meetings, attend to all correspondence, record all receipts and payments, deposit all monies received in a bank or credit union of the franchises’s choice, pay all accounts of the league as directed by the executive committee and prepare a statement of receipts and payments for information at each meeting.
    2. To send notice of meetings to all franchise contact person when directed by the president.
    3. To supply to each franchise member the following:
      1. A copy of the constitution, rules and regulations at the league’s expense.
      2. A supply of approved game reports at franchise expense.
  • A players list from each member club upon request.
  1. Any other information deemed in the best interests of the league and hockey in general at the league’s expense.
  1. Amendments to the constitution
    1. The constitution shall be amended only at the annual meeting and the amendment must be given to the league secretary-treasurer by September 15 in writing and sent to the franchise members by October 1 and can be adopted only by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting delegates present.
  2. Amendments to rules and regulations
    1. The Rules and regulations may be amended at any duly called league meeting, however changes can be adopted only on receiving a two-thirds majority vote of the voting delegates present and any member franchise not present shall be advised of the changes in writing within seven days of the meeting date.




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